Time plan for the Workshop

The workshop will take place on Sunday, September 24st 2017 morning 9am - 1pm

  • Opening and introduction
  • Session 1: Opening and Introduction
  • Session 2: Pecha Cucha
  • Session 3: Brainstorming
  • Coffee Break
  • Session 4: Group discussion
  • Session 5: Presentations
  • Recap and next steps
  • Lunch

Workshop location: OFFIS (Institute for Information Technology). For more information, see AutomotiveUI 2017 website at http://www.auto-ui.org/17/

Participation: The workshop is open to all interested researchers (as long as we can accommodate space/seats), i.e., we allow participation without accepted position paper but require registration for the workshop (either with the conference registration or later via Email to the workshop organizers or the local arrangement chair). We explicitely invite participants (in particular also from industry!) without accepted submissions to provide/discuss their point of view related to the workshop topic.


Accepted position papers

To be complemented later...