Researchers, designers, and practitioners in the field of ADS design and human-robot interaction meet up

The aim of the workshop is to build a more explicit bridge between these two communities. We will discuss the characteristics that automated vehicles have in common with "traditional" robots and what makes each of them unique. Depending on participants and submitted position papers, we will also have a look into the automotive user interface realm and discuss what HRI researchers and practitioners may learn from the automotive user interface (UI) community or vice versa.

Topics of interest

Potential topics to be discussed at the workshop include, but are not limited to, the following objectives:

  • Which characteristics do ADSs and other robots share?
  • How do autonomy levels of ADSs and those in other robots differ?
  • What can we learn from the state-of-the-art in HRI for the design of ADSs?
  • What ethical considerations can we adapt from traditional HRI to facilitate the design of ADSs and vice versa?
  • How does interaction between humans and robots and between humans and ADSs differ?
  • What can the current HRI community learn from researchers and practitioners in the field of ADSs UI design?
  • What can both communities learn from each other in terms of interaction studies, both in the lab and in the field?
  • What methods and theories are applied in HRI and what methods and theories build the common ground for ADS interaction design? What do they have in common? How do they differ?
  • Different cultural regions have different moral standards. How can we make sure that robots/vehicles with different normative systems can interact with users in a "unified friendly way"?
  • Considering multi-robot settings (home robots, tele-operation, ADSs, etc.): What conflict resolution strategies, i.e., when reaching a deadlock, are applied? Communalities between traditional robots and ADSs?
  • Who should be the one to make ethical decisions, especially in situations with potentially fatal consequences? Humans (strong intuition, unreliable, consistent with Asimov's first rule) or robots (precise, robust, inconsistent with Asimov's first rule)?

Previous experience

This workshop will follow a series of workshops (e.g., [2] [3] [5]), panels (e.g., [4]) and special interest groups (e.g., [6]) in the HCI/HRI community over the past years. It will benefit from these experiences.