Beyond transport.

The provision of in-vehicle interiors and interfaces that allow safe and productive engagement in office work-like activities is a potential area of research that could contribute to a wide-reaching success of automated vehicle (AV) technology. Doing office work on the motorway was part of the daily lives of many professions, including researchers, as early as in 1998 [6]. Commuters nowadays seem to engage in work-related activities frequently to compensate for time losses [7] even in manually driven cars, and the availability of automated driving technology will likely intensify such behavior. Although existing levels (SAE L1-L2, [15]) of automation on the road would not justify intensive engagement in non-driving related tasks (NDRTs), the next step in the evolution of AVs however, SAE L3, eliminates the permanent need to monitor the environment. At this stage, both businesses and consumers could benefit from transforming AVs into ``mobile offices'' [2], allowing to improve work-life balance by a more useful utilization of commuting and travel time, and thereby increasing productivity but also leisure time. In the transformation from manual to automated mobility, this could even allow maintaining jobs that would traditionally suffer from automation. One example for that are truck drivers, who could perform additional logistics activities while being on the road. The importance of these topics has also recently caught the attention of AutomotiveUI researchers, who started to extend the term of NDRTs, that was traditionally mostly connected with entertainment and informal communication, with office work. Different projects have already began to investigate how drivers in future vehicles may be supported by in-vehicle interfaces that address typical office tasks such as composing texts [10, 13] and reading [1, 12], as well as safe and convenient multitasking in the vehicle [3, 4, 9, 16]. In addition, the topic of mobile offices was explicitly discussed in the HCI and automotive community [2, 5, 11], with the aim to define a systematic agenda for future research, which provides the basis for the proposed workshop.