MiB – menschINbewegung

  • civil engagement
  • digital transformation
  • innovative mobility
  • sustainable development

National Project – Innovative Hochschule: “Mensch in Bewegung”

At German universities, the idea „Third Mission“ is gaining more and more in importance. “Third Mission” extends the original tasks of universities, teaching, and research, by adding another aspect: transferring knowledge and innovation into society. The initiative “Innovative Hochschule” (innovative university) of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, aims to support a mutual exchange between universities and representatives of politics, economics, culture, and society. A research-based transfer of ideas, knowledge, and technology is seen as the precondition for solving economic wealth and quality of life in the corresponding region. Technological and social innovation shall create constructive solutions for today’s most pressing challenges.

Within the scope of “Innovative Hochschule” Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) and Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU) obtain financial support by the government. In the next five years, both universities receive 15 Million euros. The joint project “Mensch in Bewegung” aims at contributing to the sustainable development of the region. THI is focusing on technical and economic aspects and has stable connections to the industry as well as to economic players in the region. KU contributes to social aspects with a strong focus on ecology and sustainability. “Mensch in Bewegung” gives both universities the opportunity to bundle their individual strengths. The combination of the different perspectives is to generate creative innovations.

In the past, both universities focused mainly on cooperating with local enterprises. “Mensch in Bewegung” has the objective to extend this collaboration to the broad public. Together with representatives of the local economy, politics, culture and the society in general, THI and KU intend to develop a network for the transfer of knowledge and technology. The topics, summarized in so-called transfer clusters, are Innovative Mobility, Digital Transformation, Sustainable Development, and Civil Engagement.



In detail, the cluster Innovative Mobility, intends to create innovative mobility concepts and instruments for the region. In addition, it plans to create awareness for and to strengthen the acceptance of these concepts within society.   

The transfer Cluster Digital Transformation deals with the question of how the local region, especially the people living in that area could take advantage of the technological progress in digitization.

The cluster Sustainable Development aspires to stimulate sustainable thinking and acting, which should support the general development of the region in a positive manner.

The cluster Civil Engagement aims at encouraging citizens’ voluntary engagement in the region. The plan is to provide an online-based transfer platform.

Project Coordinator

Project Duration

  • February 2nd, 2018 – June 30th, 2021

Project Partners

  • Catholic University Eichstätt


  • 866,000.00 €


Funding and Program