Time plan for the Workshop

The workshop well be held on Sunday, October 27th 2013 either in the morning or in the afternoon (TBD) and will last for about 4 hours). The workshop will be set up as interactive forum for researchers and industry participants. It is planned to have different elements, e.g. ,individual presentations, group works/discussions, etc.

Workshop location (and meeting point): TBD

Participation: The workshop is open to all interested researchers (as long as we can accommodate space/seats), i.e., we allow participation without a accepted position paper. Please register for the workshop or send an Email to one of the organizers. We invite "passive participants" to prepare short presentations (2-3min.) describing their research interests in the broader field and the reason for attending the workshop.

Individual presentations: All the authors (presenters) of accepted position papers have to prepare a short presentation of their approach. More information provided at a later time.

Accepted position papers

The following position papers have been accepted for presentation at the 2nd workshop on "Socially-inspired Mechanisms for Future Mobility Services". (to be filled later)