Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Stefan Cor

  • Phone: +49 841 9348-3374
  • Room: C020

Short Biography

Stefan Cor is a test engineer mainly for the hexapod test stand at the CARISSMA/THI research center. He holds a degree in electrical engineering at the Technical University of Temeschburg, Romania.

After several years of professional experience in manufacturing, in CAD design and working in a computer center, he finished his studies in work and economics at the Technical University of Munich and earned his degree as a graduate industrial engineer. After that, Stefan Cor worked in various IT projects and worked predominantly as a test engineer for the BMW Group, MAN AG and Canon Group. He is a co-inventor (patent application) in the field of test/paper transportation as part of his work at the Canon Group.

During his long-term professional career, he has completed various further education courses, such as a specialist programmable logic controller (PLC) at the Elop robot control training center Munich, organizer/consultant logistics for SAP R/3 at Siemens Business Services in Munich, IPMA certification in project management and others.

He is responsible for the driving simulator.

